Kokomo police officers and firefighters are set to receive higher pay, increased longevity pay and a base pay structure based on seniority and rank under new three-year labor contracts.
Indiana, PA / WDAD AM1450 & 100.3FM
Feb 2, 2021 7:57 AM
The Pennsylvania Senate has appointed Anne White of Indiana as their newest member to the IUP Council of Trustees.
White is the Vice President Human Resources Associate Officer at S&T Bank and served in a similar position with the S.W. Jack Drilling Company. She also serves as the treasurer of the Meals on Wheels program in Indiana and is a past chairperson and board member of IRMC and the Indiana Healthcare foundation.
White said her time at S&T Bank, and also being a resident of Indiana and a parent will help her in her new position with IUP’s Council of Trustees.