BIS officials raided a retail jewellery shop in Kelambakkam and seized 262 pieces of jewellery weighing 1.173 kg with fake hallmarks. Action would be initiated against the jewellery shop under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016.
The Karnataka High Court on Thursday issued notice to the State government on a public interest litigation filed seeking a direction to the respondent to take urgent measures to ensure adequate.
When making a purchase, most people primarily focus on whether the price fits their budget, often neglecting other crucial considerations such as durability or expiry dates. This tendency marks the starting point of consumer awareness..
The Ministry of Commerce and Industry has taken a substantial step towards enhancing consumer safety by unveiling the Cookware and Utensils (Quality Control) Order 2023. This order, designed to.
The Ministry of Commerce and Industry, through its Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), has taken a decisive step towards ensuring consumer safety and product quality by.