According to the ratings agency, the Indian government’s aggressive fiscal target for the next financial year is unlikely to result in any significant changes in the country s sovereign credit profile.
Ahead of the presentation of the 2024-25 interim Budget, Moneycontrol takes a quick look at the state of the Indian economy. Here, we examine the status of the manufacturing sector, which has been a key focus area of the government as part of its objective to make India self-sufficient.
Ahead of the presentation of the 2024-25 interim Budget, Moneycontrol takes a quick look at the state of the Indian economy. Here, we examine the status of investments in the country and the trends in public and private capital expenditure.
Ahead of the presentation of the 2024-25 interim Budget, Moneycontrol takes a quick look at the state of the Indian economy. Here, we examine the outlook for consumption and whether rural and urban regions are faring differently.
Ahead of the presentation of the 2024-25 interim Budget, Moneycontrol takes a quick look at the state of the Indian economy. Here, we examine the position of India s foreign exchange reserves and what the next financial year likely has in store for the authorities.