Hyundai India Couture Week 2023 is underway. On the ninth day of ICW, Bollywood star Shraddha Kapoor walked the ramp for fashion designer Rahul Mishra in a gorgeous lehenga. Many other Bollywood stars such as Kiara Advani, Ranbir Kapoor, Sara Ali Khan to Aditya Roy Kapur, Vaani Kapoor, Disha Patani, Athiya Shetty, Janhvi Kapoor, Aditi Rao Hydari, Bhumi Pednekar walked the ramp for Ritu Kumar, Falguni Shane Peacock, Varun Bahl, Gaurav Gupta, Rimzim Dadu, Anamika Khanna, Kunal Rawal at Hyundai ICW 2023 in association with Mukesh Ambani-owned Reliance Brands
Vaani Kapoor looks like a princess out of a fairy tale at India Couture Week. Wearing an enchanting red attire, she steals hearts on the runway. All pics, video | Fashion Trends
Rajesh Pratap Singh s Desert Rose collection wows the audience at India Couture Week with vibrant colours, exquisite designs and unique footwear. | Fashion Trends
Vaani Kapoor set the ICW runway on fire in Isha J s stunning red-coloured lehenga with lace details-Vaani Kapoor looked hot plunging neckline bold blouse and matching embroidered blouse at ICW 2023