Moitra's opponent was revealed shortly after she criticized the saffron party for not announcing its candidate for Krishnangar, a seat that has been held by the TMC since 2009.
By the time the packed hall emptied after the talk, they knew that an earlier generation had fought for two things freedom and Independence and that only the latter had been achieved.
Kishan Rana’s book: “Churchill and India: Manipulation or Betrayal” (Routledge, 2022) is an important contribution to an emerging global history different from just Euro-centric narratives. Superbly researched, Kishan connected the dots to find that Churchill’s record on India reflected part of his own limited experience with Indians, formed through his leadership of Indian
The judiciary remains the most trusted pillar ofIndian democracy but the pursuit of justice is often an excruciatingly slow process for the underprivileged - Issue Date: Aug 29, 2022
In the popular trope, India itself is feminised, in the traditional role of a mother. For real women, freedom has been about trying to breathe life into a mirage - Issue Date: Aug 29, 2022