Amid swirling speculations and queries on social media, actor Ahaana Krishna finally joined her father, actor and Kollam NDA candidate K Krishnakumar, as he campaigned in the constituency on Friday, April 18. Ahaana’s absence from her father’s election-related activities had sparked debates online, with followers questioning her stance.
Rakshit Shetty's success with two hits in the latter part of 2023, coupled with the comforting charm of Raj B Shetty's film, provided an ideal end to the year. Explore this curated list of Kannada films for your watchlist.
Congress leader and Lok Sabha MP Shashi Tharoor, speaking at the launch of Kannada version of his book, said that some people who have a problem with the term 'India' but they are very comfortable calling themselves 'Hindu', however both the words, India and Hindu, have the same origin, which is river Sindhu., India News, Times Now
India has various names including Bharat, Bharatvarsh, Sindhu ghat, Indus valley and Hindustan. Let's have a look at the evolution of the country's name.