“You can’t win on this,” Empty Bottle manager Tim Gurnig says. “We would have loved to have seen the decision come down from the government. We’re not immunologists, doctors or scientists. We are rock people."
Chicago Independent Venue League | CIVLChicago.com
Shuttered Venue Operators Grant application landing since April 8, 2021.
160,000 jobs, millions in revenue lost as the promise of federal financial relief to one of the city s largest job sectors goes unfulfilled
The Small Business Administration is a major roadblock preventing independent live music venues from reclaiming the jobs our business sector lost during the pandemic.” Joe Shanahan - Chicago Independent Venue LeagueCHICAGO, IL, USA, April 22, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ - Today marks the 405th day since live music, arts, culture, and entertainment venues shuttered due to COVID-19. Since then, more than 160,000 jobs in these sectors have been lost and millions of dollars stripped from Chicago s economy. More than $16 billion in relief was designated exclusively for independent music venues when The Shuttered Venue Operators Grant (SVOG) program was signed into law in December. Not a single dollar h