Raped sisters four year battle for justice as evil stepdad finally behind bars
Naomi Clayton, from Goole, and her sisters were abused sexually and physically by evil stepdad Graham Howard
Brave Naomi Clayton finally got justice through a victim scheme (Image: Darren Casey)
An East Riding woman who was the victim of vile physical and sexual abuse at the hands of her own stepdad has finally told of her agonising battle to get him convicted.
Naomi Clayton suffered horrific acts at the hands of Graham Howard, the man who she called dad , before his web of lies finally unravelled leading to a 30 year jail term.
How the coronavirus sent women back to the 1950s
As the UN says the pandemic has turned the clock back decades on gender equality, Laura Bates explores the long-term implications for women
15 December 2020 • 6:00am
Research from the UN has led to warnings that the turmoil caused by the pandemic could last longer than the immediate public health crisis
Credit: Anais de Busscher
Before the pandemic hit, 2020 was going to be the year Melissa went back to work. “I had taken four years off to raise two children and I was itching to use my brain again,” she says. “There are only so many nursery rhymes one can remember and only so many tantrums one can lovingly endure.”