TASHKENT - Uzbekistan's incumbent leader has won a second five-year term in the tightly controlled Central Asian nation, preliminary results showed M
TASHKENT - Uzbekistan's incumbent leader has won a second five-year term in the tightly controlled Central Asian nation, preliminary results showed M
TASHKENT - Uzbekistan's incumbent leader has won a second five-year term in the tightly controlled Central Asian nation, preliminary results showed M
officials and the people trafficking people into horse labored fisheries which makes it very hard to undermine the sort which undermines its aims to address this problem that was david tickler a senior researcher and lead author of the report on modern slavery at sea we re moving on to thailand where parliament has finally selected the country s next prime minister incumbent leader and ex-military chief pry you. neither his who would have backed party nor the opposition had won a majority in the lower house in general elections held more than 2 months ago but you know chat was favored to stay in power backed by an upper house stacked with his supporters this outcome while not a surprise was not pre-determined faced a strong challenger from the opposition the future forward party here s more.
report, eric cantor achieves what no other incumbent leader in the house of representatives ever has. not in a good way. a shakeup in virginia and the power vacuum it s created in washington as the gop continues to get pulled further and further to the right. world cup controversy. world s most popular sport mired in scandal after scandal including racism on the field and even bribery. the reid report starts in just minutes. don t stop now, come on mony come on, yeah i say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah cause you make me feel like a pony so good like a pony so good like a pony [ male announcer ] the sentra with bose audio and nissanconnect technology. spread your joy. nissan. innovation that excites. mony mony