Discovery, one that if true, could turn the whole pandemic around. This missouri woman, her name is patricia durgess, was licensed in missouri as an assistant physician. She had done med school at a school in the caribbean but she hadnt been accepted into a residency. She wasnt a full doctor. The rules say a person with midlevel professional accreditation like hers can only do so if they do it in collaboration with a fully accredited doctor. Theres nothing wrong with being a physician assistant, theres lots of room in our system for lots of different licensed professionals. But i think its safe to say that april 11, just about a month into the coronavirus pandemic, this is not the person you would expect to be announcing that in fact she had discovered a cure for covid19. But there she was, april 11, on facebook, quote, this amazing treatment stands to provide a potential cure for covid19 patients that is safe and natural. And wouldnt you know it, she would be happy to sell it you to.
Americans had already died from covid and we all knew it was going to get so, so much worse. The future was looking then, and would turn out to be, incredibly grim. On that same day, april 11, a woman in missouri said publicly she had made an important discovery, one that if true, could turn the whole pandemic around. This missouri woman, her name is Patricia Derges, was licensed in missouri as an assistant physician. She had done med school at a school in the caribbean but she hadnt been accepted into a residency. She wasnt a full doctor. The rules say a person with midlevel professional accreditation like hers can only do so if they do it in collaboration with a fully accredited doctor. Theres nothing wrong with being a physician assistant, theres lots of room in our system for lots of different licensed professionals. But i think its safe to say that april 11, just about a month into the coronavirus pandemic, this is not the person you would expect to be announcing that in fact she
The best thing our customers can do to help prevent going into that stage iii category is to conserve as much energy as possible. You heard it right there, conserve energy. That is going to be the motto during this heatwave we are all dealing with across the bay area. Tonights power emergency is over for now after a series of rolling outages around Northern California this evening that helped stabilize the grid. This started around 6 30 with an order from kauai so. The independent system operator manages the states power grid and it told utilities, like pg e, to shed powerlines because of unusually high demand. Pg e explained in a tweet saying there was strain on the power grid due to excess heat. Pg e began rotating Power Outages at the direction of the state grid operator. 200 to 250,000 customers were affected for about an hour each. This map is from pg es web shot. It shows a snapshot of the situation at 8 00 tonight. The red dots represent outages of 5000 or more, the orange dots
Rotating outages began getting underway. Most people have their power back on. While there will be no more rotating outages tonight, we are told, pg e is and ruling out the possibility that it might happen this weekend. Its why they are asking customers to cut back and conserve energy. We would also encourage customers, if they are able to delay in later in the evening household chores like running the washing machine or their dishwasher, or even vacuuming. Just by avoiding those types of things, it will help us have the necessary supply to meet the demand. Californians came accustomed , so to speak, to rolling outages in 2001 when great managers imposed repeated blackouts to deal with an electricity crisis then. This map from pg es website shows a snapshot of the situation around 8 00 tonight. The red dots represent outages of 5000 or more. The orange dots are 500 or more pg e customers. Not easy dealing with this kind of power outage when its so hot. You need air conditioning. But it
A half hours. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2020] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] this hearing will come to water. Welcome, welcome. Today the committee convenes to broadband during the covid19 pandemic. I extend my appreciation for my colleagues attentions attendance and participation. I welcome our distinguished panel of witnesses. Mr. Y we will hear from stephen barry, president and chief executive officer of the competitive cares organization and the chief executive officer of the Rural Broadband association. Mr. Gene kimmelman, Senior Advisor on public knowledge, who will be appearing, testifying remotely. Jonathan spalter, of u. S. T and ceo broad,. Covid19 crisis has changed life dramatically for almost every american. As the administration and the centers for Disease Control and prevention encourage social distancing to prevent spread of the virus, norm