These forests is one of the most amazing places in the world. It is very very diverse. A 1000000 questions every time that you go to the forest. Even if you have all the ph d. s that you want and youre still level 0 when it comes to the forest. For me thats really cool in science that youre always learning. And this knowledge is very powerful this knowledge can change peoples lives can change a community. These forests if very threatened by the forestation. And here we have. Issues of spidermonkey that is critically endangered that is their brown headed their color and brown headed by their monkey. It is estimated that theres less than 500. 00 individuals in the wild. In the part of. People really important for them. I dont. I. Could wind up going out by not going. To be and i want to right now when you close them a. Minute ago you know our. Commando. Solo album lets just go now but. There are still a lot of things that we need to discover that we need to find out iced tea did then too