jackie: what do you say to people in the us a look at socialism and have a favorable assumption about it? they see something positive? i see donald trump stopping that trend and to a certain extent very much the same in brazil. it is fair to say the american people who think about socialism, look at the experience of france where borders were open to receive refugees without any kind of sorting or filter if you will and having open borders, we do agree with donald trump s decision on the wall. whether it is our president with the wall or tightening immigration standards or asylum refugees they say any suggestion people coming here would overrun will be a negative impact on the country, is a racist or bigoted
that approach. so what do you say to people here in the u.s. who look at socialism and have a favorable assumption about it, that they see something positive there? i see president trump fighting that trend and i couldn t agree more. i think he s right. to a certain extent we are doing very much the same thing in brazil. i think it s fair to say that the american people who think about socialism, look at the experience of france where borders are open to receive refugees without any kind of sorting or filter, and having open borders, it s not all a good decision. what do you say to those whether it s our president with a wall or tightening immigration standards or asylum or refugees, that s what people would overcome. i believe those who say what
mark, it s good to have you back. hey, thanks, michael. always good to see you. tell stan powers hi. you got it. thank you for that. let s see what your reference to my novel talk, appreciate that, see what you re saying on my twitter and facebook pages. smerconish, could stricter immigration standards in the u.s. result in economic decline as a subsequent consequence of immigrants opting to immigrate to other countries? well, geographically speaking, where are they headed, going south? thinking of mexico in particular, but the more interesting question behind your tweet, i think, is that age-old one of are americans going to do those jobs, are americans going to do the jobs that illegal labor is doing today? and i don t think there s a clean easy answer to that question. still to come, a federal court ruled the north carolina gop improperly rigged its election maps. just one of many swing states being brought into court. are we on the road to fairness?
entered the united states illustrate legally a few months ago drew an attack from the white house. it s disgusting what this young woman in rockville went through. i can t possibly imagine. press second sean spicer didn t stop there. framing the case as an example of the need for tougher immigration standards. but i think part of the reason that the president has made illegal immigration and crackdown such a big deal is because of tragedies like this. reporter: but that story that drew such a strong reaction from the highest person of american government has changed dramaticcally. i comment the state s attorneys office for dropping the rain charges and doing the right thing. obviously, this young girl was not raped. reporter: prosecutors today dropping the kpargescharges answer henry sanchez and jose man tanno after evidence that there was not enough to corroborate the girl s initial claims. we have concluded that the facts this case do not support
he sent a message to central america and mexico that he is going to ease all immigration standards and laws. he has been fighting for immigration law for three years and continues through executive order to create a public advocate for illegal immigrants, releasing families from detention, he has effectively invited what is no on our border and that is tens of thousands of young people who have been told go to america and mr. obama will ignore the laws, he will refuse the enforce border security and you can cross in and if you follow these instructions you will be granted asylum and special privileges. but the white house will say they have been fostering this and increasing the budget and