there s increasing tension, especially as the issue at the border increases, we ll have to keep an eye on that. let s discuss the imgraegs proposal from thursday. you hear because you want the white house to represent not just republicans. what mr. kushner and his team laid out was only two points. there was nothing in there about daca or asylum fixes or program workers. we need to address the humanitarian crisis at the border. this plan doesn t do that. how big of a letdown is this for the white house? it is interesting the white house decided to focus on two aspects of immigration that don t really approach the issues that are most pressing right now. they didn t touch much on it before or process of asylum.
here? i think he ll look at all the issues that are important between him and the members of congress and the supreme court going forward. so i expect him to talk about race when it comes to imgraegs. i expect him to talk about race when it comes to the affordable care agent. i expect him to talk about race when it comes to employment because it s hard to avoid it and he wants to say i m going to use this bully pulpit that i have as the president of the united states to get congress to move on jobs, to get congress to move on immigration, to get congress to move on gun control. and he said african americans are killing each other. he s not shying away from that. but the reality is that we have fewer guns, we have fewer deaths. so i expect barack obama the person i ve known for a you are qua of a sequarter of a century to make america better for everybody. president ogletree, thank you very much for stopping by to talk to us. we appreciate it. my pleasure. when wreturn, civil ri