As Himachal Pradesh is voting for all 68 Assembly seats on Sunday to decide the fate of 412 candidates, key issues that differ region-wise are expected to dominate the voters minds while they cast their votes. In the Kullu region, falling market prices of apples, demand for a medical college, and support for tourism have emerged as key election issues. Horticulturists have stated that rising input costs due to higher prices of fertiliser, pesticides, and reduced government support have made apple farming a loss-making venture.
The ruling Bharatiya Janata Party has released 11 commitments in which it has promised to implement the Uniform Civil Code if it forms the government for a second term in the hill state of Himachal Pradesh.
Key issues in Himachal Pradesh: The saffron party, which is banking high on the ‘Narendra Modi’ factor, has been insisting throughout its high-voltage election campaign that
Rahul Gandhi is currently in Maharashtra leading the Congress party`s ongoing Bharat Jodo Yatra. Polling in the state began at 8 am amid tight security arrangements on Saturday. A total of 55,92,828 electors who will cast their votes till 5 pm today will decide the fate of 412 candidates who are in the fray.
The high-stake electoral contest in Himachal Pradesh is a big litmus test for Chief Minister Jairam Thakur who has risen from the ranks in the saffron camp to the top post.