"You are not welcome." Sony Pictures has debuted a US trailer for the Spanish horror film Veneciafrenia, set in the iconic Italian town of Venice. This originally premiered in 2021 at the Sitges Film Festival, and is already out to watching most of Europe already - streaming on Prime Video. Directed by Spanish horror
03/02/2022 - Adapted from Amy Liptrot’s best-selling memoir of the same name, the film is to be sold by Protagonist Pictures at the European Film Market
03/02/2022 - Adapted from Amy Liptrot’s best-selling memoir of the same name, the film is to be sold by Protagonist Pictures at the European Film Market
03/02/2022 - Adapted from Amy Liptrot’s best-selling memoir of the same name, the film is to be sold by Protagonist Pictures at the European Film Market
03/02/2022 - Adapted from Amy Liptrot’s best-selling memoir of the same name, the film is to be sold by Protagonist Pictures at the European Film Market