The nominated contestants for the 12th week in Bigg Boss Telugu are- Singer Revanth, Adi Reddy, Keerthi, Satya, Rohit and Faima. According to reports, Satya, Faima, and Rohit are in the danger zone with the least votes in unofficial poll
bigg boss 6 telugu elimination 2nd week: Bigg Boss Telugu 6 is one of the most interesting shows on small screens. The show is full of fights, controversies, and love. It's just the second week. Some of the contestants in the house have become friends and a few others are still trying to figure out how to mingle with others. Because it is not an easy task to stay with someone
Bigg Boss 6 Telugu: Bigg Boss Telugu Season 6 new promo has been released, in which we can see Bigg Boss assigning captaincy task to the contestants. Revanth, Chanti, and Faima get into a fight over the task. Revanth is seen provoking Chanti and Faima after he loses the task. In the latest promo released by the BB makers sometimeback, Chanti is likely to win the first