reporter. white house lawyers have been working up a legal strategy. we don t have any information democrats have already said may about this report, how many pages, what s in it, those details will come at some point not see the full report early but the big news. on. robert mueller, all of his work, it is certainly a long fight and the investigation is over. his team s work now they are done. they are moving on and we will it is this information that s see what the department of in this report. justice does and what the next if he is willing, if the steps will be in this investigation. attorney general is willing to and we just have received the review it this weekend. attorney ge leadership in the it is to release information. house and the senate. let me read from this letter for our viewers. this is william p. barr, the it is things they can t release. attorney general directs this they would be a little more letter to the respective hesitant and maybe waiting a chairman of
as this weekend is very go for. significant and very they did give word from the interesting. i don t know what it means justice department today just exactly. i don t know what a conclusion moments ago that this is. investigation was completed. does that mean he is going to they have not been told of any say there was no collusion? is he going to say we could have of the findings so far. the discussions have been indicted president trump if we were allowed to? i don t know. relatively brief. conclusions can mean a lot of it goes back to the leaders of different things, but, you know, this process is going to move some what faster at least the key judiciary committee may initially than you would think. learn about principal one other point which is if it is true that this report is comp conclusions. the moment democrats say provide the full report and preserve any hence ifr hencive as we are being advised documents and if they don t it is going to take a while to that s when we can exp
he is doing his best to undermine the investigation. what is the mood at the white house right now as we brace potentially for the eminent release? that s right. i have been speaking to i can. officials today and i spoke with a white house official a few you know, it sort of begs the moments ago. they are bracing for the mueller question. it is a certain respect. report to drop this afternoon and thissen evening so we are it is that. the judiciary. waiting to find out what the and he said the bedrock pins special counsel robert mueller ends up delivering in terms of pal. he never disclosed information. if they honor that and the what he 457bds ovhands over. amount of information would be very small. it appears to be saying to it creates sort of a window for president or perhaps somebody release more information. with the administration to come he is taking with one hand and
indictments, but if suddenly the president has to say those angry democrats who were working with bob mueller were actually just part of a justice department doing its job after he has criticized the justice department he has been vindicated by them. he is now vindicated, exactly. how do you manage that politically? we obviously can t jump the gun here. we have to see what comes out from barr and what s in the report. if i m at mar-a-lago with the president as pamela has been reporting the lawyers are feeling good. that i would be very happy. absolutely. let s not forget i know we have said it. but this investigation is over. the president never sat down for an interview with robert mueller. that s huge. that was always the big question and something the lawyers never wanted to happen. they were able to prevent that and a subpoena fight. robb eert mueller never put in
mueller has turned into barr? minutes now. all we are told is that it is is there any proof or evidence comprehensive and only a few select people have seen it. of obstruction of justice? any proof of crimes that he was you plimagine the attorney genel not able to bring charges on. and very small clutch over here that s the big question. of course big barr is going to who have been privy to it. review this report before he reports to congress on exactly our understanding is that the white house was notified around what robert mueller phone. 4:35 p.m. that the report has been delivered. it was delivered by a special counsel security official over i want to be previce. have they said the mueller investigation has been completed to the attorney general and immediately within minutes i m and his report has been handed told transmitted to the attorney over to the new attorney general general s office to give you a and have they done that with flavor of how quickly it transpired over here.