reporting. covid hospitalizations have reached an all time high. they have had to increase the coronavirus threat level to the highest level, and the majority of the people admitted with covid are unvaccinated. the ceo of harris health system in houston, dr. icorsa joins me now. thank you very much for being with me, doctor. i want to start there, with what we know for a year now, the people filling hospital rooms are those who have not been vaccinated. the numbers in your system, what s the percentage if you have it with you of those who are unvaccinated who are there at those hospitals. definitely. let me first start by saying thank you for this opportunity, and i want to thank all the health care providers, definitely for what they have done over the last couple of years. definitely more than anything i or anyone else could have asked them for, and also all health care providers across the country who have helped get us
Tina Cipollari, storica opinionista di Uomini e Donne, ha perso la bellezza di 20 kg; ecco come ha fatto a dimagrire. Tina è ormai una vera e propria .
Tina Cipollari è ormai da anni la regina indiscussa di Uomini e Donne. La vediamo sempre sfoggiare look curati ed eccentrici, ma avete visto quanti chili ha .