overturn other diversity programs. and i think that it will, as a legal matter, make it easier, bu. easier to do so but we should be clear eyed about just how pervasive of affirmative action is in corporations. there s to examples too many exs to list, but just to name a few. ib ibm,m microsoft and google all cap the number of white and asian applicantstigiou to prestigious research fellowships. pfizer completely barred whites and asians from a nine year a ng fellowship that includer d a fully funded master s program. a bunch of companies tie executivbupanies tiee compensat achievement of internal diversity targets, and nowof companies have even written diversity targets into their loan theirn agreementscomn with banks so that if the company doesn t meetneed internal workforce targets, they will actually get charged more interest. .ce cso race conscious policy ry suffuses every aspect ofponent corporate america. and i think opponents of raciale