Fanning the flames. What can the government do? we talked again about the issues china is facing. Short of these stimulus packages, we don t know a great deal about where the money is being spent. Would you be looking for in order to try and turn this future is around? one of the big issues is the banking system is huge in china, it is loaded with bad debts. It s been forced to lend to bad projects for so long so the first thing to do is rescue the banks of this is something that the fed did after the financial crisis. Instead of giving them more money to lend and using that money to set up a fund, buy from them all of the bad assets and let them go back to a clean balance sheet and start over. The government can hold this bad debt, bad property investments for a very long time but the banks need to have better capital to start lending again and you need to stop forcing them to lend only to state owned enterprises which are not profitable and bad projects, bad infrastructure projects w