members and 169 fatalities during the now infamous exit from afghanistan didn t really qualify as a chaotic failure at all. that s despite the fact that hundreds of afghans were clinging to the wing of u.s. air craft as it departed afghanistan. despite gunfire sprang into a crowd; despite u.s. troops pulling an infant over barbed wire into safety. brunt chaos? i m sorry, i just don t buy the whole argument of chaos. for all this talk of chaos, i just didn t see it. it was tough in the first few hours.down would expect it to be. unbelievable. the white house went even further releasing a 12-page report today saying president bide s choices for how to execute a withdrawal from afghanistan were severely constrained by condition created by his predecessor. on capitol hill gop lawmakers are practically incan docent ripping kirby for his call comment. house foreign committee chair called kirby s comment disgraceful and insulting. rain jackson texas called kirby s comments sicke
louisville police officers arriving to the active shooting and racing into louisville s old national bank. but first, the hunt. now infinances for the person or persons who leaked classified pentagon intelligence materials which sources tell fox news could present a serious risk to national security. kevin cork is live with us p with more on this. evening, trace. they re calling this biggest leak of classified documents in about a decade and it has created a major crisis in washington d.c. the leaks detailed alleged u.s. spying on allies. insights into american thinking on the war on ukraine and at least 22 neutral 22 two neutral countries mulling plans to join russiament the da is overseeing a you pointed out a criminal investigation of the leak. among the revelations that the ukraine air defenses are in peril. that that that pentagon, the u.s. intel on ra could be compromiseed, supporting domestic protests that south korea is concerned about supplying munitions to the u
Many Coconino County gardeners remember the hardships endured while growing vegetables during last year’s abnormally cool spring and early summer. A significantly slow start of the monsoon, along with several
Now that spring is on its way, I can’t wait to get out in the vegetable garden and get things growing! If you are new to gardening and/or growing vegetables
I first learned about hügelkultur (translated from German as “hill culture” or “mound culture”) several years ago from my first gardening mentor in Flagstaff, Nichole Gregory. I had recently taken