fan. this is it.. is is it. this is this is the show. this is the first day.t thisda is all yourself. nited st this is the first day we re in the united states .d and she goesthen and she like pe the pregnant god . you know what?.ou tae the titlesason tw what t away from. there s a reason the tower oheof london exists of thendonm to traders there. laura , with holiday travel beginning, it s timeay traveli r raymonds air rules. my guide to safe and hygienic travel. traveler posted th a traveler posted this video for white socks being drawn on by a child in the row in front of her watch. laura . the ring of fire . down, down, down, the plane. o. okay, rule number one , don h not take your shoes off in the air and never, never, never place your filthy socks inks i someone else s space .e else s space. she put it next to the child in she put it next to the child in the row in front. what wouldwas view you have donf someone put their sock nexte
attack on the royal family. linda s a stop? this is the show. this is the first day. this is the first day they were in the united states. and then she goes and she did the pregnant pause. you know what they need to take the titles away from them. there s a reason the tower of london exist. with holiday traveling beginning, it is time for time for arraignment air role. to safe and hygienic travel, as traveler posted this video for white sox, being drawn on by a child in the row in front of her watch this. okay. rule number one, do not take your shoes off in the air. and never ever ever place your filthy socks in someone else s space. she put it next to the child in the row in front of her, what was viewed on a soma put your socks next to you question mike