unusual. we felt that six feet two or taller with something that we could work with. mark pull through that surgery which gave the judge some relief. but she stroll struggled to process all that had happened. it s just hard to imagine that on sunday, after such a beautiful weekend, at 5:00 in the afternoon, that someone would come to my door and take my only child. it s unfathomable. who would do this to their family? as the hours ticked by, an army of law enforcement officers was trying to answer that question. agents denahan had his theories. we at the top of our list with someone that had a personal grievance against judge salas herself. we also though had to consider could it be someone that was targeting her husband mark? and lastly, and even though it was unlikely, could someone have been targeting danny himself.
then deputy chief joseph battaglia was at a family picnic when he got the call. in north brunswick, she things are rare. so, this one especially caught him by surprise. it was at the home of a federal judge. what details are you given about what has happened at this house? they told me that there were two individuals were shot and it was the house of a judge salas. do you know right away who salas is? yes, i m familiar with a name. yes. judge esther salas was the first latino judge appointed in new jersey. appointed by president obama in 2011. battaglia quickly learned it was salas s husband mark and her son daniel who had been shot. when they first patrol officer rise they administered basic for stage. what condition was mark? in surprisingly, march was talking and he was sitting up and he was tending to daniel. emts raced mark and daniel to the hospital. officers searched the area. they secured the home. they secured the perimeter.
canning with endgame . shele covlin have been found dead in her bathtub in december 2009. investigators have long believed her husband rod had killed her, but they didn t have enough evidence to prove it. then, after nearly six years of slowly building a case, prosecutors finally became convinced they had enough to persuade a jury. in november 2015, shele s sister eve got word from the district attorney s office. she said were about to arrest rod covlin for the murder of shele covlin. so i started to get very emotional, and i ve just been waiting a really long time to hear those words. it would take three more years for roth s trial to begin. after waiting so long for justice, even her husband mark steeled themselves. why was it important for you to be? they re so i can tell you that on december 31, i said i m