Through interviews, vaccine records and in some cases immunity testing, the majority of those who were known to be exposed are likely immune to measles, and 10 individuals were given the post-exposure prophylaxis vaccine which can be given up to 72 hours after exposure.
The Humboldt Housing & Homelessness Coalition (HHHC) will conduct a Point-in-Time count of people experiencing homelessness during the morning of Tuesday, Jan. 23, and volunteers are needed to assist.
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month in Humboldt County, and the Humboldt County Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) is partnering with community groups to bring attention to suicide prevention efforts through events and trainings.
The reminder comes after algal blooms were recently detected by North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board staff in the South Fork of the Eel River at Richardson’s Grove, Cook’s Valley and in Miranda.