the war on drugs was not a war on drugs. it was a war against black america. now in the past 20 years, you ve allowed that war to be profited by private prisons. now, that entire report is at we re also going to take questions on twitter at #hum #presumedguilty. with us now is the director of lockdown usa, a documentary about the war on prisons. thank you for having me. the first question is, what s wrong with companies running these prisons? what has happened is for president past 40 years we ve waged a war called the war on drugs. it s failed miserably. 20 years ago as this war was waging and locking up black and brown americans across this country, private prisons said, wow, there s a business here. we can make money on this. think came in the game. we ll take your prisoners from you. you sell us to them at the highest price and we ll take them from you.