If the recent flurry of watch updates coming into our inbox is any indication, many watchmakers are thinking about the metaverse. From creating virtual worlds to offering unique digital artworks with limited-edition watches, these brands are staking out territory in Web 3.0. Launched recently, Bvlgari's Octo Finissimo Ultra, the world's thinnest mechanical watch, garnered interest not only for its slim.
/PRNewswire/ Hublot loves crypto! Today, the Swiss watchmaker introduces the Big Bang Unico Ledger, a landmark watch created in partnership with Ledger, the.
/PRNewswire/ Hublot loves crypto! Today, the Swiss watchmaker introduces the Big Bang Unico Ledger, a landmark watch created in partnership with Ledger, the.
The Swiss watch company introduces a 50-piece limited-edition Big Bang Unico with a Ledger Nano X crypto wallet To stay up-to-date, follow: @Hublot Hublot Ledger ledger.com/Hublot NYON