Now-ah-days when ah check on de number of Summer Camps foh Youths in SVG, and de variety of de programs offered, man ah wish ah was ah Youth again. As ah Met-dis Scout ah began me days ah Scout Camp when ah was 12 years ole, 70 years ago. We had two very committed young Scout Leaders in Hubert Browne and Walter Cummings. Dey took us to week-end camps (from …
Back in de 1950s Boy Scout was one ah de best thing dat happened to me at about age 12, and if ah had to do it all over, it would be Met-dis Scout under de leadership of Hubert Browne and Walter Cummings, both deceased. Man as ah Scout we jogged up St. Andrews Moutain, hiked up to La Soufriere from both ends, Georgetown and Shatto. We went to Summer …