a country. indeed our democracy depends on an educated citizenry. let s take a look. 100 american kids entering high school, what does fate have in store for them? 25 out of that hundred won t graduate from high school, a total of 50 won t go to college. that s half the class that won t go on to higher education. 50 will attends college, but only 22 will graduate within six years. meanwhile other countries are outsmarting us. on a recent international test, u.s. students ranked only 15th in the world in reading, 15 in science and 31st in math. what s odd is that we have been outstanding most developed countries by a long shot. in 2007, we spent over 10,000 per student versus the $7,400 average for rich countries. highway can we spend so much money and have so little to show for it. we ll have a special ending of time essay, we ll examine the roles of teachers, testing and testing. and we ll ask the man who spent millions of dollars trying to fix education about how he s spend
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did you hear sam. .got promoted to director? so 12 seconds ago. we should get him a present. thanks for the gift basket. you re welcome. you re welcome. did you see hr just sent out new. .office rules? cause you re currently in violation of 6 of them. oh yeah, baby? .and 7. did you guys hear that fred is leaving? so 30 seconds ago. [ noisemakers blow ] [ both ] we ll miss you! oh, facecake! there s some leftover cake. [ male announcer ] the new htc vivid. stay a step ahead with at&t 4g lte, with speeds up to 10x faster than 3g. i used to not travel very much, but then i discovered hotwire. now, i use all my vacation days. i can afford to visit my folks for the holidays. and reconnect with my girlfriends in vegas. because i get ridiculously low prices on all my trips. you see, when hotels have unsold rooms, they useotwire to fill them, so i get 4-star hotels for up to half off.