gotten. at times. we ve been able to see images ol of thousands and thousands of illegal immigrants, you know, that have crossed the border or waiting to cross the border. now, with the you know, we now have the expectation is titled 40 to 40 two s deadline is looming. we expect many more millions since joe biden has been president . the estimate is about six ande n a half million illegal immigrants that have entered this country cou. now with the elimination of titleason t forty two . doesn t that take awayhat ey hat the reasons that they had or some of the strength in the argument not that they had g to not allow people intoppen? the country? and what s going to happen is fifteen hundred troops are going to be enough to stop what? is expected to be the biggest surge we have ever seen ino,su history. rge is going no, and the surgm to get worse. they ve already dismantled remain in mexico. they ve stopped buildingrelease, the wall. the continue, catch and releas e all the things tha