Cooku with Comali, a popular reality show on Star Vijay TV, blending cooking and comedy, faces uncertainty amidst recent departures. Rumors suggest Adhu Idhu Yedhu may replace it, promising a new era of entertainment.
Laughter is always contagious and yet is the best medicine for the mundane ups and downs in our everyday lives. Therefore, whether one wants to admit it or not, in today's day and age when our phones have become sort of indispensable to us, social media platforms have become the happy place of choice for the ones seeking their daily fix of hilarity. Over the last couple of years, Instagram has seen a massive surge in comedy creators who have amassed millions of followers, earning them the title of royalty in the world of social media. Their ability to make any content relatable and hilarious has captivated audiences worldwide.
Sehri Tales has established itself as a Ramadan tradition for writers in Bangladesh. The rules are simple: each night at midnight, for the entire month leading up to Eid-ul-Fitr, Ahmad shares a prompt, and participants have until 6 AM (sunrise) to write original poetry, flash fiction, or create unique art, and then share it online with the hashtag #sehritales2023.
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