of it plus more. i will tell you the surest way to guaranty more deficits and more debt is just stick with the current tax code, stick with the current economy. i guaranty it won t be a good ending, it s time to change and challenge the status quo in this tax cut. chris: all right, let s talk about the prospects for all of this because that s the bottom line. president trump called in to a meeting of senate democrats this week and he reportedly said this, he told them about the senate plan, you re going to like it, the senate plan, a whole lot more than the house plan. i don t have to remind you because you lived through it that after the house passed obamacare repeal and replace, the president later said that he thought the plan was a little bit mean. aren t you asking some of your members to take a tough political vote when the president in the end after they vote and that you pass it walk away from the house plan and support the senate plan?
wants to delay the cut by a year. as for the state and local tax deductions, the house plan modifies them but the senate bill completely scraps them. despite these differences german brady says a deal between the house and senate is within reach. i m convinced this is where we are going to end up because it s important to make sure people keep more of what they earn, even in these high-tech states. what we are working toward, what we worked so carefully with our lawmakers from new york and california is to make sure we deliver this relief. can the two sides work out a plan before the end of the year? training me now is staff writer for the hell. ken, let s jump in. house republicans are hoping for a vote on the bill by the end of this week. what s likely to get in the way of this? republicans are united on
states that this president wants , like in north dakota? i don t think we ll get all 10 but my guess is we ll get somewhere close to a handful of democrats if we pass a bill. maria: good to see you this morning thanks so much. nice to be with you. maria: we ll be watching developments senator roy blunt. coming up the house side of tax reform congressman peter king stops by and explains why he s not on board with this house plan. he s voting no as we look ahead on sunday morning futures with congressman peter king is up next. remember that accident i got in with the pole, and i had to make a claim and all that? is that whole thing still dragging on? no, i took some pics with the app and. filed a claim, but. you know how they send you money to cover repairs and. they took forever to pay you, right? no, i got paid right away, but. at the very end of it all, my agent. wouldn t even call you back, right? no, she called to see if i was happy. but if i wasn t happy with my claim expe
that s what i m saying. chris: good, thank you. i want to go through some other big differences between the house and senate plan, technical but important as you well know to every individual taxpayer. for wealthy people and businesses, your bill, the house republican bill, repeals the estate tax over six years and cut it is corporate rate to 20% right away. the senate plan delays that corporate rate cut a year and does not repeal the estate tax ever. but with the money that the senate plan saves while you eliminate the deductions for medical expenses an student loans, the senate would allow people to keep taking those deductions, my question is, isn t the senate plan better for the middle-class taxpayer than your plan is? yeah, i don t believe so but here is the point. i think i know everyone is stressing differences, there are some but there s common ground. on the death tax, the reason
is if the full property tax deduction is restored and if the state income tax is restored. other than that, it will be a tax increase on my constituents. mitch mcconnell made headlines when he told the new york times that he misspoke when he said, nobody in the middle class will get a tax increase. he said he cannot promise that now. democrats are not on board with the republican plans. on friday, house minority leader nancy pelosi said, whether it s the senate or the house plan, it s a tax scam, in her words. tax reform will be a major topic on fox news sunday tomorrow. and kevin brady will sit down with an exclusive interview with chris wallace. check your local listings. let s dig deeper now on one of the top stories, president trump s chat with russian president vladimir putin. the two talking on the sidelines