a job even without official trading certificates. he s only twenty four years old but already a well rounded craftsman use of also honey worked as a carpenter in syria for six years he also sold his father s tailor shop there he made everything from curtains to upholstery and even fabric auto interiors. hotton course which we had a big workshop with a lot of space and why so things there. a lot of businesses would bring us work and we sewed and tailor that workshop is how my father made a living. and in english with my phantoms all got a right to mind british use of alcohol and he has been recognised as a war refugee and has been working for this small on a maker for two years the start up stitches ultraviolet resistant on ngs and mounts them for customers even this young company in a niche market worries about finding enough skilled workers there are hardly any more good stores in germany its owners say. well no it isn t wasn t on and we have