Flagging in off the Purvottar Bharat Parikrama, Indian Army’s pan North East Car Rally, was conducted at Umroi Military Station. The Rally has finally reached its destination Umroi Military Station, after travelling across the 9 states over 20 days.
The Purvottar Bharat Parikrama car rally reached Kohima on Saturday after covering 2200 Km across four states (West Bengal, Sikkim, Assam & Arunachal Pradesh) in the past nine days. The car rallyists included a PVC awardee, Sub Maj and Hony Capt Yogendra Singh Yadav, PVC (Retd).
The Purvottar Bharat Parikrama- Northeast Car Rally reached Kohima today after covering 2200 Kms across four states (West Bengal, Sikkim, Assam & Arunachal Pradesh) in the past nine days.