Modern humans, Homo Sapiens, are now the only surviving member of the homo genus. It is almost inconceivable to us that there was a time we walked with other human species, but as the science of archaeology has progressed and more findings have been made it has become clear that the homo genus was once rife with different species.
scientists found the most complete skull ever of the early member of the homo genus. rezernlers proposed the c controversial idea that it resents homoerogous. other anthropologists disagree. we learned about both an shent and current animal species that are pretty adorable. researchers found the oldest primate skeleton to date, a creature that lived about 55 million years ago. the con sen suggestion among scientists is even clearer that humans are to blame for our warming climate. the effects of climate change are becoming more apparent. ice sheets are losing mass, glaciers are shrinking. a n.o.a.h. observatory so the