India Business News: The Indian Biogas Association projects the installation of 5,000 biogas plants by 2030, with an estimated investment of Rs 1.75 lakh crore in the sect
Reliance Adani Biogas: Now, the humble biogas has caught the fancy of some leading energy players of India Inc. Last week Reliance Industries announced its plans to set up 100 compressed biogas (CBG) plants. Adani Group s Adani Total Gas is planning to set up five CBG plants in the next five years with more to follow in future.
Now, the humble biogas has caught the fancy of some leading energy players of India Inc. Last week Reliance Industries announced its plans to set up 100 compressed biogas (CBG) plants. Adani Group s Adani Total Gas is planning to set up five CBG plants in the next five years with more to follow in future.
A Grade-2 heritage precinct, Acworth Hospital for leprosy patients is 120 years old; its structures are being renovated and restored at a cost of nearly Rs 4 crore by the BMC.