A woman purchased a DNA testing kit and sent in her DNA. What should have been a routine quest to learn more about herself turned into a situation where she had some shocking revelations.
A woman purchased a DNA testing kit and sent in her DNA. What should have been a routine quest to learn more about herself turned into a situation where she had some shocking revelations.
censors ordered all state-owned media to one with the xinhua state news agency copy which is a very minimalist story, just reports the bare facts, nothing else, and that s because they re worried about copycat killings. they re worried if there is widespread reporting of this, it may inspire another attack, but then it gets back to well why would it? really is unbelievable. john vause for us tonight from china, thanks so much. coming to a drugstore near you, a genetic test to see if you re at risk for life-threatening diseases but does the home dna kit actually open up a whole can of genetic anxiety? personally, i thought i was invincible. once it happened, i realized it s a different story. i m on an aspirin regimen now because i never want to feel that helplessness again. [ male announcer ] aspirin is not appropriate for everyone. so be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i was the guy who was doing everything right. i was wrong. talk to your doctor,