Allene Marie McKinney Shillings, 96, of Goldthwaite, passed away peacefully in her sleep at home on Saturday, November 25, 2023. She was living life to the fullest and had just made her family-famous …
Angel food cake's origins can't quite be pinned down. Its history stretches from the Victorian era to the culinary traditions of enslaved Black Americans.
Gardens of the Cross Timbers: Return of Aunt Bill
Becky Emerson Carlberg
Contributing writer
In preparation for the New Year, it was time to address the issue of Cannibal’s fish filter. Where was he in the tank? For months the recirculation has been rather sluggish, probably a half a gallon of water per hour, the outflow just the right speed to cultivate algae growth. The new filter was all about getting it done at nine gallons a minute. Sounds like a water fall in the front room. Looked like one too after installation. The unit was tilted too far back and water was being pumped out of the tank onto the floor and fireplace. Cannibal was not amused as his world was rapidly shrinking. He kept searching for a corner with enough water to swim in. Once the filter was properly aligned, the tank refilled and the floor mopped, Cannibal could dive and glide in ample water a much happier aerated goldfish.