Dear Mr Hipkins
I watched with
interest on Wednesday as you announced a move towards pay
parity for teachers in early childhood education (ECE)
centres. You said a funding increase of $170 million was
intended to help these teachers move towards pay parity with
their equivalents in kindergartens. I applaud this move and
the increased recognition of the role of Kaiako in early
learning services, however, was disappointed to see that it
appears home-based services have been excluded from this
funding increase.
Did you forget about
Home-based services are teacher-led services,
just like their centre-based equivalents. They employ
visiting teachers who are fully qualified and registered
Friday, 14 May 2021, 12:59 pm | Home Base Care Association 13 May 2021 Dear Mr Hipkins I watched with interest on Wednesday as you announced
a move towards pay parity for teachers in early childhood education (ECE) centres.
You said a funding increase of $170 million was intended to help these teachers move . More