Mtas transit Effectiveness Program and we expect to have a resolution well work on at that meeting with potential of bringing it to the fill commission at the next program were going to i have an update on the Green Business program and were going to begin our work on come milestone i piling our part the commissions part of the departments unanimous report. Great, thank you commissioner. Welcome public. Questions or comments. You can come because now we regularly oh, i dont know if its such a problem when were did you observe one person but when we provided when everyone came in well treat the meeting as a full Commission Meeting so if you want to come let emerging know. My policy is noticed such that the public has advanced notice that the quorum is exceeded that the meeting is treated as a committee as a whole unless within the realm of what brown act provides for that makes the deputy City Attorney tom owen happy were compiling all right. Public comment on the policy Committee Repor
Do which the contractors is saying okay if you use 50,000 but i am concerned about you tying up 3 million or 5 million in my bonding capacity for three years. Thats for them is a big thing because they cant pursue anything because we tie that up so we talked about ways of reducing that down so those are the things we have been working on. Would we get more bidders do you think if the catalog of biddable items was smaller . I think in this case the limit tends to be geographical because we use the same catalog for local work in the city and typically get three or four contractors interested in the same line of work. Its just the work as the director was saying its not only its up in hetch hetchy but if youre a contractor in that area and the work is at the reservoir its still an hour drive to the closest town to the reservoir before youre on the job site. But that is on their dime; right . Yes and thats why less are generally interested in the work. We generally see smaller contractors
A quick questions and just as a follow up and i think that we will learn more of the city next week and next tuesday and we will have a session and more information. And but someone mentioned that whoever it was and forgive me for not understanding the political structure in richmond or where you are in the electoral process and that there are there are all candidates running for mayor are opposed to this. And actually that is not true, and one of the candidates for mayor is a long time Richmond Council member who does not support this program and he has been known not to support anything progressive in the city. And the other one, did or does support this and he has knows that it has stagnated and we are looking for this and he is kind of like i dont think that he basically said, we dont know where it is at and it is not front and center and he is a resident and obviously to run for mayor and he has not played a strong role in the richmond politics and i dont know why and what his pos
Cameras on most of the buses so i think its on the legislative agenda although its a state matter to be able to ticket vehicles moving in a in a transit lane i think we can ticket vehicles moving in a transit lane correct. Correct. So bus stops transit only lanes for fixed vehicles we can do otherwise were relying on the Police Department to enforce the moving violations. That would be another great one to continue to pursue at the state level i agree im not sure how we would have the level of enforcement available to keep the vehicles from moving in those red lanes thats all i have directors anything else you would like to bring up director heinicke . Thank you let me just start by complimenting the industry. Its not lost on us that this is a tough time for you all and and i think its important to say that. Today you know, certainly more than we have in the past and maybe for the first time we as Board Members heard sobriety accept ance and even a little bit of optimism about the Curr
It is generating revenue. It could be profitable. So its getting close. Thats the other reason, because it seems like we are narrowing the gap and i dont see what the last month would say with an opportunity like this if the gap is more and more you have a cumulative number of 1. 1 versus 1. 3. Thats what the issue is that the original waiver expired in august and you have to come to us with a rate and that is participatory. Deputy director, yes, the reason we are here is because this was a 24 month project that you approved, but you only approved the waiver for 1 year, for 12 months. That waiver has expired, we are here to request that you approve a second waiver and while here, we are saying, you were asking for authorization that staff if the conditions are the same and if you are to approve the waiver today, if those conditions are the same next year that staff based on your approval today assuming you are doing that, would approve a third waiver. So we are asking inform doctor for