Some years ago the story appeared in this space about a fellow named Gerald Mayo, who in 1971 found himself locked up in the penitentiary. Not wanting to take responsibility for whatever behavior had landed him there, of course, he decided to take action. Legal action, that is — by filing a lawsuit against “Satan […]
Some years ago the story appeared in this space about a fellow named Gerald Mayo, who in 1971 found himself locked up in the penitentiary. Not wanting to take responsibility for whatever behavior had landed him there, of course, he decided to take action. Legal action, that is — by filing a lawsuit against “Satan […]
Some years ago the story appeared in this space about a fellow named Gerald Mayo, who in 1971 found himself locked up in the penitentiary. Not wanting to take responsibility for whatever behavior had landed him there, of course, he decided to take action. Legal action, that is — by filing a lawsuit against “Satan […]