FARMINGTON On Thursday, March 28, several area churches joined together with their own congregations to celebrate Maundy Thursday. Maundy Thursday commemorates that last supper prior to Christ’s crucifixion where He administered communion with His Disciples prior to His death and Resurrection. Several members of Henderson Memorial Baptist Church, led by Pastor David Porter, are […]
As we put Easter in our rearview it seems the world continues to descend into utter chaos, senseless shootings, massive earthquakes, and severe weather
This simple act of washing another's feet is humbling, lowly, and demeaning. But it is also empowering, grace-filled, and sacred. It is allowing yourself to be truly vulnerable to another’s needs and to represent pure service to another.
This week most of the news is about former president Trump. His quest to make bond to stay out of jail and keep his buildings has divided conservatives