Пандемия коронавируса и далее страшит население планеты новыми цифрами об инфицировании и летальных исходах. Однако мировая статистика подтверждает, что не COVID-19 убийца максимального количества людей на земном шаре. Сердечные заболевания, деменция и рак унесли по отдельности каждая болезнь
i don t know. you need a drink? no. you got to go, dude. you re in the wrong house. how did you get in here? this way. you been drinking? disoriented, the man doesn t want to leave the room. the cousins suspect the man thinks he s in a friend s house. you got to balance, dude. you got to go that way. you got to go, dude. you got to go. right here, dude. it takes several minutes, but rubio finally forces him out of the house. the intruder stares down rubio s cousin. my cousin just looking at hip like, really like, that was a prison stare. if someone stares you down like that, usually it means it s going to lead into a confrontation. i was like, come on, are you serious? you re going to get hurt. it s cool, dude. we got to go. you re at the wrong house.