On Saturday, June 3, the Hillsboro Eagle Riders 1161 hosted their annual Poker Run to benefit the (DAV) Disabled American Veterans Lloyd C. Ludwick Chapter 123.
Eagles Riders car show will benefit disabled veterans
By Jacob Clary - jclary@aimmediamidwest.com
The Hillsboro Eagles Riders will be hosting a car show on Saturday, with all the proceeds going to the Disabled American Veterans. The show will be at the Star Cinemas in Hillsboro.
Rick Ewing, a road guard for the Hillsboro Eagle Riders, said registration for the show begins at 11 a.m. on Saturday and ends at 3 p.m. He also said it costs $10 to register each vehicle.
He said there would be 10 car awards, five truck awards, five motorcycle awards and five rat rod awards. Following registration of the cars, he said the judging of the cars was the next step.