ortse than that, it s really the quality of the teachers. guest: one more call. caller: good morning. your guest is right on target. but she s not putting it all together. and i have it all together. creativity and incentive have to be combined. and that will answer all the needs if it s handled in a correct way. and i m just trying to launch global economy based on what i term creative utilization of information. and imte self taught in that. it s not taught in schools but it s a very, very powerful concept of people just learn how to think in a different way and how to utilize existing technologies today they can empower themselves and go into any field to an unlimited degree. and the internet will provide as much indepth education as necessary from the experts worldwide. i would love to speak with your guest further on this. guest: well, please go to www opportunity equation.org. we need to build the demand and will around the country to make this happen. their future depe
well, i m going to get to that. i mean, we can t have too big of a debate here. you got your question. [laughter] don t worry, though. i m going to answer your question. so there s some places where it really is completely broken. and there, yes, a lot of it has to do with poverty and, you know, families that are in bad shape and there are all kinds of reasons. and yet even there there are schools that work. so the question is, why is it that some schools are working and some schools aren t, even in the worst circumstances, and why don t we duplicate what works in those schools so that all kids have a chance? now, in other places, green bay and appleton and many communities through the wisconsin and michigan, the average public school is actually doing a reasonably good job. but can i still say even if you factor out the urban schools, we are falling behind when it comes to math. our kids are falling behind when it comes to science. we have kind of settled into immediate ok