ron paul took in $4.5 million. tim pawlenty, john huntsman barely broke $4 million each and herman cane raised just $2.5 million. and newt with $2. who s giving to his campaign and his campaign is still deeply in debt. the major remaining question mark and intrigue in all of this is congresswoman bachmann of minnesota not reporting in the the last minute and the filing deadline is tomorrow.
hopped aboard the bandwagon. folks, we are only 16 months away from the presidential 2012 election. i am as excited as a kid on the 483rd night before christmas. and what s gotten me jazzed is that the republican field is primarying with superstars. i don t know how i ll decide between the two of them. it s like an all you can eat buffet. you ve got white bread, white rice, cream of wheat, potatoes, mashed potatoes, boiled poe take toys, packing peanuts and for dessert, herman cane. when it comes to presidential candidates, i look first for an easily rhymed name. and folks, i am insane in the
that in our see site. i agree with you. that s what resonates with people. she is who she is. what you get is what you get. what you see on camera is the same thing off camera. i think that s refreshing to people. i think people see the same caketer in herman cane. there is also the interest that doesn t have the political resume. i hear those two names regularly. matt, who do you look to as people who you could vet favorfully? i do think romney created a vacuum. who do waupt to commit to the race who isn t in it? it s early. not by normal standards, it s not early. by decentralized democratization standards created by the tea party, it is still pretty early. but someone like perry thinking about coming in, and i think if you can pierce of army of the romney myth, and allow some of these other candidates to step up into that vacuum, i think we might have a real debate about the issues that tea partiers
she said it was insulting but then she talked about her, who she is, her record and it was a very strong answer. i think going forward, people are going to be forced, as they have since the that first debate in new hampshire, where she basically stole the spot light, people are going to be forced to lock at michele bachmann in a different light, not the one who did the $200 million hit against the president or talking about questioning whether they were un-american people in congress or in the white house but to look at her as a serious presidential candidate. she did herself a lot of favors by answering a question that was put in the wrong manner. let s move ono tim pawlenty, he made eye watt linchpin of his early state strategy, polling at 6%, below herman cane and ron paul, but also combatting the perception when push comes to shove, he is into the fight, especially the phrase he coined, to obama care, obamney care, let s take a listen to this what he said during the new hampshi
and who too often fails to stand against our enemies. we cannot afford four more years of barack obama. [applause] reporter: congresswoman michelle bachman of nearby minnesota here in her hometown of water lieu, iowa formally entering the 2012gop nominating race. politically a very important day because she starts this racy sepbgs alley as the frontrunner, a fire brand conservative aggressively going after the president, a tea party favorite, founder and chairman of the tea party caucus. she says that will be a big part of her coalition. she completely changes the race with this word that she s essentially contending as the prohibitive frontrunner in iowa, save mitt romney no other republican hits double digits other than herman cane.