(Archived document, may contain errors) 298 October 19, 1983 TU US. AND UNESCO AT.A CROSSROADS Owen Harries INTRODUCTION The United States is conducting.what is officially described as a itfundamental reappraisali1 of its policy toward one part of the U.N. system, UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organ ization It is certainly needed for the U.S now stands at a crossroads in its relationship to UNESCO. The direction that Washington will take is sure to have profound impact not only on UNESCO but the U.N. as well.
(Archived document, may contain errors) 948 June 29,1993 MANAGED COMPETITION LESS CHOICE AND COMPETIIION By Peter J. Fe rrara Senior Fellow INTRODUCTION while the Clinton Administration continues to shape its health care proposal, several key Members of Congress-in both parties-have been developing comprehensive health care reform proposals loosely based on the concept of managed competition.