27/01/2022 - The comedy, penned by Erlend Loe and staged by Nordisk Film, centres on a blaster living in Titran, a small town on the windswept ridgeline of Trøndelag
27/01/2022 - The comedy, penned by Erlend Loe and staged by Nordisk Film, centres on a blaster living in Titran, a small town on the windswept ridgeline of Trøndelag
27/01/2022 - The comedy, penned by Erlend Loe and staged by Nordisk Film, centres on a blaster living in Titran, a small town on the windswept ridgeline of Trøndelag
27/01/2022 - The comedy, penned by Erlend Loe and staged by Nordisk Film, centres on a blaster living in Titran, a small town on the windswept ridgeline of Trøndelag
08/10/2021 - The six-part drama series, directed by Sofia Adrian Jupither, will star Rakel Wärmländer, Louise Peterhoff and Sofia Helin in the lead roles