Meigs Local sets 2021-22 school calendar
School to begin Sept. 7
ROCKSPRINGS Students in the Meigs Local School District will begin the 2021-22 school year on Sept. 7, the day after Labor Day.
The Meigs Local Board of Education approved the 2021-22 school year calendar during the recent board meeting. The 2020-21 school year also began after Labor Day.
Supt. Scot Gheen explained that the teacher’s union is presented three calendar options each year by the calendar committee which is comprised of administration and teacher representatives. The top voted on calendar is then presented to the board for approval.
Gheen added that the calendar provides for better planning and preparation to start the school year, as well as extra time to deal with any left over COVID-19 concerns.
Meigs Board approves agenda items
ROCKSPRINGS The Meigs Local Board of Education approved several agenda items during the second meeting in March.
The board,
Accepted a donation from Wondle Dinguss to the FFA program for new barn and/or repairs and upgrades to existing barn.
Approved an agreement with Meta Solutions for Schedule I Core Services for the 2021-22 school year.
Approved to award Heiberger Paving, Inc a contract to re-surface the High School Track.
Approved the purchase of a new mower from Ohio River Power Equipment in Pomeroy, Ohio.
Approved re-enrollment in the Ohio School Comp Level 8 group rating program from 1/1/2022 to 12/31/2022.