Braemar Hotels & Resorts (NYSE:BHR – Get Free Report) declared a quarterly dividend on Wednesday, April 10th, Zacks reports. Investors of record on Friday, June 28th will be given a dividend of 0.05 per share on Monday, July 15th. This represents a $0.20 dividend on an annualized basis and a dividend yield of 7.91%. The […]
Braemar Hotels & Resorts (NYSE:BHR – Get Free Report) was the recipient of a large growth in short interest during the month of January. As of January 15th, there was short interest totalling 1,710,000 shares, a growth of 8.2% from the December 31st total of 1,580,000 shares. Based on an average daily volume of 322,400 […]
Braemar Hotels & Resorts (NYSE:BHR – Get Free Report) CEO Richard J. Stockton acquired 1,442 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction on Monday, August 28th. The shares were purchased at an average cost of $13.23 per share, for a total transaction of $19,077.66. Following the completion of the acquisition, the chief executive officer […]
Braemar Hotels & Resorts (NYSE:BHR – Get Free Report) CEO Richard J. Stockton bought 1,442 shares of the stock in a transaction that occurred on Monday, August 28th. The stock was bought at an average cost of $13.23 per share, for a total transaction of $19,077.66. Following the completion of the purchase, the chief executive […]
B. Riley lowered shares of Braemar Hotels & Resorts (NYSE:BHR – Free Report) from a buy rating to a neutral rating in a research report report published on Monday, reports. B. Riley currently has $3.50 price target on the stock, down from their prior price target of $7.00. A number of other brokerages have […]