Citizens seek answers on solar farms
Wilkin responds to public outcry A standing-room only crowd of concerned citizens from Highland and Clinton counties, along with local and state public officials, met at the Lynchburg Area Joint Fire & Ambulance Tuesday, May 4 to discuss area solar farms. (Photos by David Mayer.) State Rep. Shane Wilkin answers questions at the May 4 meeting. • • A standing-room only crowd of concerned citizens from Highland and Clinton counties, along with local and state public officials, met at the Lynchburg Area Joint Fire & Ambulance Tuesday, May 4 to discuss area solar farms.
Much of the specific concerns regarded Dodson Creek, proposed as an “up to 117 megawatt (MW) solar development” in Dodson, Hamer and Union townships, and the proposed 200 MW Palomino Solar Project in Dodson and Union townships, although area solar farms in general were discussed. O